Public Forum
The City values your opinion. You are welcomed and encouraged to voice your opinion to the City Council at any time using email or by contacting council members. You may also share your ideas with the Governing Body in person at a Council meeting as apart of the Public Forum.
The Public Forum is a dedicated time during City Council meetings when members of the public may address the Council on any subject relevant to City government, its policies, operations, or services.
The Public Forum is held at the beginning of every regular City Council meeting. The City Council meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are held at Columbus City Hall.
Contact Us
Ruth Hutley
City Clerk
Email Ruth
Columbus City Hall
300 E Maple St
Columbus, KS 66725
Phone: (620) 429-2159
Fax: (620) 429-1159

How to Participate in the Public Forum
If you wish to speak during the Public Forum, you should arrive at least five minutes prior to the start of the Council meeting to sign up. The sign-in sheet is located directly inside the doorway of the Council Room. After you sign in, please pick up an agenda, take a seat, and wait for the Mayor to recognize you to speak.
When the Mayor calls your name, proceed to the podium, and introduce yourself. Your comments are limited to five minutes in length.
If you have documents to share with the governing body, please leave them at the staff desk. They will be distributed to the Council. Please bring 8 copies – one for each of the governing body members, one for the Mayor, and two for staff members.

What to Expect
As a valued resident or community stakeholder, you can expect an attentive, respectful audience to your comments. Governing body members may ask you a question to clarify a statement but generally will refrain from any other discussion with you or about your comments.
The City Council meeting is the only time the Council must get the critical job of decision making accomplished. The public forum is not intended as a time of discussion or debate. In some cases, the speaker will be directed to meet with City staff to resolve the issue or get questions answered.
As you step away from the podium, know that the governing body respects and appreciates your willingness to engage in issues that affect your community. Thank you for your interest and participation in your municipal government.
If you have questions, contact City Hall at 620-429-2159 or email .
Special note:
- The Public Forum is not intended for the introduction or endorsement of candidates for public office.
- The Public Forum is not intended for degrading or defamatory comments directed at or concerning a person, business, or organization.
- Any person who abuses the Public Forum may be ruled out of order and directed to cease his or her presentation and leave the podium.
Contact Us
Cherri Chancellor
City Clerk
Email Cherri
Columbus City Hall
300 E Maple St
Columbus, KS 66725
Phone: (620) 429-2159
Fax: (620) 429-1159