About The Chamber Of Commerce
The Columbus Chamber of Commerce is the only business organization working full-time in the interest of both the combined community and Cherokee County. They aim to promote and build a coalition of existing businesses, encourage economic growth, and enhance our quality of life.
The Chamber is an independent, non-profit organization financed by members, firms, and individuals. Membership is an investment in the present and future of Columbus and the surrounding area. Presently 187 members are showing their support for the community.
The Columbus Chamber has represented business interests in Cherokee County and Columbus since 1898. The Chamber accomplishes work through a committee structure, with a full-time staff and volunteers from its membership, administering on a day to day basis the many programs and activities.
If you have an interest in starting or relocating a business to our area, we invite you to contact us or visit our website.
The Chamber has completed a retail analysis on four businesses that are not currently available in Columbus. Are you interested in opening one of these businesses? We would be happy to supply you with the study.
These businesses include:
- Jewelry Stores
- Shoe Stores
- Electronics Stores
- Pawn Shops

Contact Us
Columbus City Hall
300 E Maple St
Columbus, KS 66725
Phone: (620) 429-2159
Fax: (620) 429-1159