Licenses & Permits
The City of Columbus requires licenses and permits to be issued for various activities. We collect this information to keep our community safe and direct people to services.
Fee information regarding licenses and permits are available on the forms. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us via phone: (620) 429-2159 or email: .
Sidewalk Construction/Reconstruction Permit Application
Community Building Rental Application
Culvert Replacement Application
Fence Construction Permit Application
Mobile/Manufactured Home Placement Permit Application
Moving Building Permit Application
Permanent Sign Placement Permit Application
Police Department Complaint Form
Property Annexation Application
Street/Alley Vacation Application
Commercial Building Tax Exemption Application
Contact Us
300 E Maple St
Columbus, KS 66725
Phone: (620) 429-2159
Fax: (620) 429-1159
Email City Hall
Business Licenses:
The City of Columbus requires any person or company that provides services or sells tangible products within Columbus city limits to obtain a business license.
Both home-based and commercial-based businesses are required to obtain a business license. Additionally, even if your base of operations is outside of city limits, but you conduct business inside Columbus, you will still be required to obtain a business license.
The following items are required to obtain a business license:
- Photo ID of person completing the application
- Completed Business License application
- $25.00 Licensing Fee
- Contractors must provide a copy of liability insurance
- Roofing companies require proof of state registration
Once all documents have been received, your application will go through a review process. This process begins with a background screening completed by the Columbus Police Department. Next, they will forward your business license application to the Columbus Fire Department to verify where your business location. The Fire Dept. is required to inspect all brick and mortar businesses within Columbus city limits. With the completion of all steps, the City Clerk receives the application for the final sign off. Upon approval, you will receive your business license in the mail.
Business licenses are valid from January 1st through December 31st and must be renewed annually. Yearly renewals are due by January 31st; after this date, there will be a $10 late fee added each month after.
Solicitors, Canvassers, Peddlers
Columbus Municipal Code requires that peddlers, solicitors, canvassers, etc. obtain a license before selling goods door-to-door or from a temporary location within the city limits of Columbus.
There will be a $15.00 processing fee plus a $100/per day license fee to cover the costs of the investigation at the time of application. Any license granted upon application completion will be limited to and effective only on the days set out on the document. Peddlers, solicitors, or canvassers can only conduct solicitation or sales between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

There is no License Fee for:
- Any person selling products of the farm or orchard produced by the seller.
- Businesses, trades, or occupations who are part of fairs or celebrations sponsored by the city or any other governmental subdivision, or the state.
- Any not-for-profit or charitable organization as determined by the governing body.
- Businesses solely owned and operated by a person under 18 years old and whose annual gross income per calendar year is less than $2,500.
- Any non-commercial garage sale or rummage sale sellers who conduct occasional or seasonal sales on premises where they reside.
Liquor License

To receive a City liquor license, all establishments selling alcoholic liquors, either by the package or by the drink, must first have a liquor license from the State of Kansas (Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division). The establishment must provide a copy of that license to receive a city-issued alcoholic liquor license. The city and state liquor license will run concurrently for two years.
In addition to requiring a State liquor license, the City does impose specific requirements on establishments selling alcoholic liquor, including:
- Alcoholic liquor cannot be sold within 200 feet of any church, school, nursing home, library, or hospital unless the establishment is granted a waiver by the governing body of the city.
- Package liquor can be sold between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on any day other than; Easter Sunday between the hours of 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m. and on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.
Complete information on the general requirements for the sale of alcoholic liquor in Columbus is available in the Columbus Municipal Code.
Retailer’s license of alcoholic liquors for consumption or sales in the original package only area $600 for the two-year license.
Cereal Malt Beverage
Persons wishing to sell any cereal malt beverage must have a license issued by the City Clerk. It is unlawful for any person, having a license to sell enhanced cereal malt beverages at retail only in the original and unopened containers and not for consumption on the premises, to sell any enhanced cereal malt beverage in any other manner.
No cereal malt beverage may be sold or consumed between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m., or on Easter Sunday, except in a place of business that is licensed to sell cereal malt beverage for consumption on the premises. To sell cereal malt beverages for consumption on its premises, the business must derive more than 30% of its gross receipts from the sale of food.

- Retail sale of cereal malt beverages: $75.00
- On-premise consumption: $125.00
Additional guidance on applying for the sale of beverages in Columbus can be found in the Columbus Municipal Code.
Dog Registration

According to the Columbus Municipal Code, all dogs within the City of Columbus must be registered annually. The registration year shall be from April 1st through March 31st of each year. A $5.00 registration fee will be due at the time of registration along with proof of a current rabies immunization and a completed dog registration form. A tag will be given at the time of registration. The Columbus Police Department can replace any missing/ lost dog tags for a fee of $2.50.
To register your pet please visit the Columbus Police Department at 300 E. Maple, Columbus, KS 66725. For questions please call (620) 429-1332.
Golf Cart Registration
Before operating any golf cart on any public street, road, or alley within the corporate limits of Columbus, the vehicle must be registered with the City and a license shall be obtained and placed on the golf cart. The license fee is $15.00 and must be renewed each calendar year. The full amount of the license fee shall be required regardless of the time of year that the application is made.
To apply for a golf cart license the following items are required:
- Completed Golf Cart Registration Form
- Proof of liability insurance coverage
- Official inspection of vehicle
- $15.00 fee

Before operating any golf cart on any public street, road, or alley within the corporate limits of Columbus, the vehicle must be registered with the City and a license shall be obtained and placed on the golf cart. The license fee is $15.00 and must be renewed each calendar year. The full amount of the license fee shall be required regardless of the time of year that the application is made.
To apply for a golf cart license the following items are required:
- Completed Golf Cart Registration Form
- Proof of liability insurance coverage
- Official inspection of vehicle
- $15.00 fee
Complete information regarding golf cart registration and operating regulations are contained in the Columbus Municipal Code.
UTV & MUT Registration

Every work-site vehicle, utility task vehicle, and utility terrain vehicle operated within the City must be inspected and registered at the Columbus Police Department. Upon passing the vehicle inspection a $10.00 registration is due and is required to be renewed annually.
Complete information regarding UTV & MUT registration and operating regulations are contained in the Columbus Municipal Code.
Contact Us
Columbus City Hall
300 E Maple St
Columbus, KS 66725
Phone: (620) 429-2159
Fax: (620) 429-1159